

An initial consultation is scheduled to gather relevant background information. This is a good time to ask specific questions and address concerns you may have. We can provide the highest quality of service by working collaboratively with you. After the initial consultation, a testing appointment will be made for a later date.

Depending on the testing to be completed, the testing session is conducted by either the provider or a trained psychometrist.

Following the evaluation, a feedback session with you and your family is conducted to discuss results and recommendations.

Patients should bring any pertinent medical documentation, previous testing reports, and list of all medications and medical conditions to their first appointment.


·     Neuropsychological evaluations (adult and children)

·     Psychological evaluations

·     Autism diagnostic evaluations

·     Intellectual Disability evaluations

·     Pre-surgery evaluations

·     Competency Evaluations

·     Fitness for Duty evaluations


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Excluded Evaluations

We do not assess the following populations or cases; however, appropriate referral sources can be provided upon request:

·   Legal Cases 

·   Custody Cases

Neuropsychological Evaluation

A neuropsychological evaluation is a diagnostic testing procedure used to measure different functions of the brain as well as assess psychological factors that affect cognitive functions and behavior. Neuropsychological testing provides information functions that is not provided by brain imaging, such as an MRI or CT scan.

Many patients are tested because they have been diagnosed with or suspected to have a neurological disorder or a head injury. Reasons include things such as traumatic brain injury or concussion, stroke, brain tumors, epilepsy, dementia, medical illness involving the nervous system, multiple sclerosis, and developmental disorders.

Neuropsychological evaluations are pretty time intensive. You will be asked to participate in several tests that measure abilities (intellectual functioning, speech and language, visual perception, hearing, memory, attention, and motor control). These procedures are sensitive to changes of specific areas/circuits in the brain that are important for day-to-day functioning. The results of the testing are used to offer a diagnosis and help in planning treatment.

For students, a psychoeducational evaluation (e.g., reading, arithmetic, and written expression) may be included to assist in planning for appropriate school interventions. The specific areas evaluated depend on the concerns, as well as the age and current level of functioning of the person being evaluated.

A neuropsychological evaluation can help determine the type of cognitive problem and make specific treatment recommendations. Concerns that we often address include:
•   Traumatic Brain Injury
•   Epilepsy
•   Dementia
•   ADHD/Acquired Learning Disabilities
•   Stroke
•   Other Neurocognitive Disorders

Psychological evaluations

Evaluations are often used to help get a clearer understanding of a person’s behavior, abilities, and other characteristics, and to help guide treatment needs. 


We assess many psychiatric problems (e.g., anxiety, substance abuse, personality structure) and nonpsychiatric concerns (e.g., intelligence, learning disabilities). We gather data through interviews, observation, standardized tests, self-report measures, physiological or psychophysiological measurement devices, or other specialized procedures.

Psycho-educational Evaluations

Psychoeducational evaluations help identify specific learning disorders such as Dyslexia (reading problems), Dysgraphia (writing problems), and Dyscalculia (math problems). In addition to assessment of academic skills, this type of evaluation includes assessment of specific cognitive processes that may be contributing to the learning problem.


We will participate in scheduled 504 Team Meetings/ARD Meetings to review and explain the results of the evaluation, as well as to support the family and school in seeking educational accommodations. This service requires a fee and is based on an hourly rate. We require ample notice to adjust our schedules. 

Autism Evaluations

We provide full diagnostic evaluations for ages 2 and up. We gather data through interviews, observation, standardized tests, self-report measures, and other specialized procedures.  Our staff are fully trained using the ADOS-2 and ADI-R protocols and training materials, along with supervision from a seasoned practitioner. 


We also provide the required and necessary autism diagnostic updates for individuals who need updated evaluations in order to continue specialized services and insurance approval.

Disability evaluations

We are contracted with Social Security Disability to provide full evaluations for claimants requiring specialized testing.


Pre-surgery evaluations

We work with a number of doctors in the El Paso community to provide fast turnaround evaluations for patients seeking surgery, but are required to have an evaluation by psychologist before their insurance will authorize the procedure. A pre-surgical psychological evaluation is standard practice for many patients before they undergo surgery. 


These assessments are usually done with a diagnostic interview and a few short questionnaires. A psychological evaluation will help identify your strengths, weaknesses, and your motivation for surgery. An evaluation can also help identify areas that you might need additional support or assistance in to improve your outcome and reduce potential risks.


We provide pre-surgical psychological evaluations for clients planning:

·     bariatric surgery

·     spinal surgery, or spinal cord stimulator implantation

·     Infusion pump (e.g. Baclofen pump for Cerebral Palsy)

·     Hysterectomy

·     HRT/Gender affirming surgery


Work Related Evaluations

We are members of Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses (TPAPN).


A Fitness for Duty Evaluation (FFDE) is an evaluation to determine if a person is able to carry out the duties of their job. These are usually requested when an employee displays behavior that would indicate a condition that impairs their ability to safely and effectively carry out their essential job functions or poses a direct threat.


Occupationally Mandated Psychological Evaluations (OMPE), which are different from FFDE evaluations, in that they are for pre-employment. 

HRT/Gender Affirming Surgery

Gender affirmation surgery refers to procedures that help people transition to their self-identified gender. Gender-affirming options may include

  • Feminizing vaginoplasty
  • Masculinizing phalloplasty / scrotoplasty
  • Metoidioplasty (clitoral release/enlargement, may include urethral lengthening
  • Masculinizing chest surgery ("top" surgery)
  • Facial feminization procedures
  • Reduction thyrochondroplasty (tracheal cartilage shave)
  • Voice surgery


Surgery is just one option. Not everyone who is transgender or nonbinary chooses to have surgery. Depending on your age, preferences, and any legal limitations, you may choose:

  • Hormone therapy to increase masculine or feminine characteristics.
  • Voice therapy to adjust your voice or tone or help with communication skills, such as introducing yourself with your pronouns.

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